Never lose track of debt! This app will help you track and manage your debts, account numbers, payments, and more! The app is beautiful and simple, allowing users to track their debt manually offline. No accounts or bank information required!
- Track debts that you owe, along with payments, penalties, and confirmation numbers.
- A bar updates as you pay on the debt, giving you a visual indicator of your progress.
- Track debts that others owe to you.
- Want to save for something or start an emergency fund? Track the deposits and withdrawals you make from your savings.
- Multiple currencies available.
- Security: App is password protected and database is encrypted to protect your private information.
Upgrade to the pro version for even more features:
- Tag debts and savings with icons.
- Backup and restore your data between multiple devices with Dropbox.
Special thanks to:
- Aha-Soft (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) - Icons!
- Yusuke Kamiyamane (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) - Icons!
- FatCow Hosting Icons - Icons!
- Martin @ CubeActive - <a href="" target="_blank"></a> - ChangeLog Dialog library!</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">永远不要失去跟踪的债务!这个程序将帮助您跟踪和管理你的债务,账号,付款,以及更多!这个应用程序是简单大方,使用户能够跟踪他们的债务手动离线。没有任何帐户或银行信息!
- 跟踪你欠的债务,以及与付款,罚款,并确认号码。
- A栏更新您支付的债务,给你一个视觉指示你的进步。
- 跟踪别人欠你的债。
- 要保存的东西,或启动一个应急基金?跟踪您从您的储蓄存款和取款。
- 多可用的货币。
- 安全性:应用程序密码保护和加密,以保护您的私人信息数据库。
- 标签债务和储蓄图标。
- 备份和恢复您的Dropbox的多台设备之间的数据。
- AHA软(<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) - 图标!
- :雄介Kamiyamane(<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) - 图标!
- FatCow的主机图标 - 图标!
- 马丁CubeActive - <a href="" target="_blank"></a> - 更新对话框库!</div> <div class="show-more-end">